Summers past

Sunset over Oxhey

Summers past

About us
Oxhey Conservative Club is located in Keyser Hall, Lower Paddock Road, WD19 4DS in the heart of Oxhey Village close to Bushey railway station and to Watford town centre.
We have been here since 1911 and are an integral part of village life.
We have modern air conditioned premises with a first class bar and lounge area. Other facilities include two of the best snooker tables in Watford and a Pool Table.
On Saturday evenings, we hold regular social events for our members and their guests. These include Quiz Nights, Race Nights, Themed Nights as well as talented singers and musicians.
We are open every evening and certain lunch-times also (for full details of opening times please – click here).

Oxhey Conservative and Unionist Club as it was in 1911. If you’d like to know more about the history of Oxhey Conservative Club and the village of Oxhey, please click here to read our centenary history booklet.